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Thread: The abridged series

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    Titan in the Playground
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    Default Re: The abridged series

    Quote Originally Posted by Eldan View Post
    I've seen Hellsing Abridged (pretty funny) and Berserk abridged (not bad). Never got into Yu-Gi-Oh, DBZ or any of those, simply because I haven't seen the series in question and don't think I would really care.
    Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged stands on it's own as just being funny. Familiarity with the show is really not required. (Heck, I've have seen exactly one episode of the actual show and it was enough to make me go "yeah... no. Just... no.")

    So I would definately give it a shot, if you can find the time; LK is extremely talented. (The show's home site is probably the easiest place to locate it all.)

    Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
    Although Team Four Star only abridged 3 episodes of Hellsing, that remains the favorite of my roommate.
    TFS did another abridged series?

    Well, I'll have to look into that one, then!

    Edit: I could have sworn someone mention LK had done NGE as a one-shot earlier in the thread, but damned if I can see it ('cos I didn't know about it and went immediately to google it).

    No, wait, it was just co-incidence; Linkara used a line from it in this week's At4W that I watched today!

    Anyhoo, 45 seconds in and simply replcaing the title music with Red Dwarf has already made it hilariously better than the original. Also, it's Red Dwarf, so he gets extra special bonuses for that..!
    Last edited by Aotrs Commander; 2013-06-18 at 06:20 AM.