Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
[Silverpine - The Clunker]
The dastardly Lady Adventura Gearstride has spirited away the good Silverpine the moment the group had touched down in Bridle Shores, holding his sweet pony lips hostage all night.

Thus it was on the floor of the admittedly cramped interior of the mech that Silverpine found himself come morning, complete with a dull aching headache from the cider-fest they had earlier. The pegasus groaned softly as he turned to his side, a corner of his mind wondering why the bed was so hard, but his body unwilling to investigate the exact cause of this anomaly.

"Mmm, good morning babe.."
Gearstride purred as she looked down at Silverpine from atop the bed with a book, she seemed to have had taken on some light reading, possibly waking up earlier. "How's the floor?" She laughed and placed her book down.

Fox Trot

When Fox had gotten home last night, unsupervised, he didn't even make it to the bed and he didn't even lock his door either, thankfully it was just Bridle Shores. He stirred on the couch, tired, body aching from all that dancing and partying. He never felt this way since some of the after parties he and his dance troupe would have after shows. He continued to lay helplessly with a huge dash of laziness on the couch with his eyes closed trying to get back to sleep. The day could wait since he had a date with the couch he couldn't possibly abandon right now.