Quote Originally Posted by hereticus81 View Post
While I see your point and personally agree to a degree the comic sees things differently, or at least that's how I read that strip it's eminently possible that I'm wrong!

Basically the celestial beauracracy voted Vs behaviour as a marked swing towards evil
Quote Originally Posted by Kish View Post
Uh. The comic said that Vaarsuvius is responsible for what s/he used his/her Soul Splice power to do. That is 1) a huge "duh," and 2) not at all the same as "Vaarsuvius will also be spiritually accountable for what his/her body does while being puppeteered by fiends."
I got the impression from that strip that the Deva was trying to warn Roy about everything that happened with V: making the deal with the IFCC directors, casting familicide, and becoming a Trojan Horse for the IFCC to use against Roy. She referred to V's "alarming dealings with the Forces of Evil". That includes agreeing to the IFCC's terms, being spliced, and becoming an unwitting pawn of the IFCC. The warning was an attempt to counter the IFCC's influence and prevent just the sort of situation about to unfold.