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Thread: Characters of the Town (OOC)

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    Halfling in the Playground
    Lord Sidereal's Avatar

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    Oct 2006

    Default Re: Characters of the Town (OOC)

    Name: Marrick
    Race: Human
    Class: Druid, of sorts. But much deeper, wild powers
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Age: timeless
    Height: alters with mood
    Weight: follows height, but always seems gaunt and mal-nourished
    Hair: Grey, floppy, thinning
    Eyes: Bloodshot, grey. Listless.

    Merrick was once a normal, down at the heel market pedalr. However, falling in with a bad mob scene, he eventually found himself wandering the land, in search of a new home. He left family back at his old home, and wishes one day to return, when he can wreak vengence on those who harmed him.

    On his travels, he has learn alot of contact of the spirits, and seems to have developed odd powers, at a tilt of normal magic or psionics. His ability to alter nature come not from divine study but neccesity, living as he does as the lone wanderer. He is a master card player, a gunslinger (but with no guns) and a reasonable duelist. However after he discovered his latent powers, he gave all this up for the simple powers of nature.

    His companiion, a giant t-rex he tamed in the wild lands, rest soutside the town, hunting what food he can find, ever ready for his matsers call.

    Name: Orlo
    Race: Human
    Class: Agent (15) Rogue (10) Monk (5)
    Alignment: Chaotic Good
    Age: 26
    Height: 6ft
    Weight: Thick-set
    Hair: Black
    Eyes: Sunglasses
    Last edited by Lord Sidereal; 2006-12-22 at 11:24 AM.