Quote Originally Posted by Delusion View Post

So I'm tired of havng to appear strong when I'm realy really not. Lately few of my friends have had big problems and two of them have turned on me for emotional support. Which I really appreciate, but I feel like I have to put on mask that pretends that everything will be okay. I feel like I should be able to say more thna just "*hugs*" and "aww" and "You can try again next year". I feel I am inadequate help to those I care about but for some reason they appear to think otherwise and... gah!

Because of that same feeling of inadequecy I haven't been able to work on my novel or on my voice, both of which are important to me but seem impossible to start. And I dread the start of school aswell, I keep thinking I'll fail as I always do.

The silver lining on this all is that I might begetting hormones this fall. Might be. Which is cool but going full time also means I need to start seriously coming out to rest of my friends and family which I am dreading aswell. I don't think I'd lose members or anything but it will surely be awkward, and I am socially anxious enough already.
Sometimes all people need is a hug and someone to listen while they gets things out. As someone who always wants to fix things, emotional, mechanical, and everything else, I had to learn to just be supportive for people and listen and be there for them, as opposed to trying to fix it. And while it may not seem like you are really "doing" something for them, you are....and they appreciate it.

The best advice I can give to work on your voice? Work on it in the shower. No joke. The best place to work on voice things, in my semi-professional opinion. That is where I practice songs/singing and train my voice to go higher or lower, and train it to do what I want it to do. It isn't going to be an overnight thing, but after a couple of weeks of messing around with your range, you will notice that the range will go up (or down if that is what you are going for). Of course everyone is different, and the more you do the better you will understand your voice so therefore it will go quicker. But my suggestion? Start with something simple. Just go up and down in your register and seeing how high you can go (without hurting yourself!!) and how low you can go (without hurting yourself!!). From there you can get a good idea of what your range is, and try even going falsetto and see how high you can go there. Semi-Pro Tip: The more you work on your Falsetto, the stronger it gets and the more it sounds like your natural register. Any more questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Also, we are here for support, don't feel bad about posting ever!
