Quote Originally Posted by atriusnight View Post
These got missed before, so just re-posting them...

1) A Bio 101 question, after a creature has been converted to biostructure.. what is the effect?
Are they treated like one created from the 200 level? Is it purely Cosmetic?

2)Advanced Placement
It doesn't specify but the wording seems to imply that while removing the prereqs it doesn;t actually grant the principle in question.. If this is the case it might help cut down confusion to specify it explicitly.

3)so.. Identify powers..
What is the interaction of Gramarie with Detect magic? What schools is it? Or does it have schools?
Would it register as the path the principles involve are from? basically giving the 'schools'(disciplines) of Gramerie instead of Magic? And would a wizard unfamiliar with such things be able to get it? Would it require Knowledge (architcture and engineering) rather than spellcraft to figure out the principles involved..?

P.S. Love the project and system and such.
I'm so sorry, I missed these questions! Let me see what I can do:

1. If a living creature is forcibly transformed into biostructure, they're essentially killed. Biostructure can be made from flesh or from metal, but either way it ends up with the same statistics.

2. I think it's fairly clear, but I'll take another look at the wording! What the feat does is qualify you to take a principle that you normally wouldn't be able to take. So, for example, a warmaker could take Advanced Placement (IMCH 101), and then the next time he gets a principle, he could choose to learn IMCH 101 even though it's not on his class list!

3. Technically basically everything made using gramarie is a supernatural effect (Su). You can read about how supernatural effects interact with other magical effects and the rest of the world here. As for detecting magic, I think it's reasonable to assume that gramarie radiates an aura similar to a spell. If you want a guideline, I'd say Minor auras for Baccalaureate effects, Moderate for Magisterial, and Major for Doctorate.

Thanks for the interest, I'm glad you like the system!