"Them? You don't know Sharlang?"
She says this apparently louder than she intended. Many in the room turn their heads, as if resentful of the phrase. Ashara brings her volume down and continues.
"Sharlang is an old-tongue word, roughly translated it means 'Mercy-Oath'. When The Order defeats a foe, any remaining members of their adversary can invoke Sharlang. Those who do so are spared their lives, so long as they endure a life of servitude. That is the cause for so many of my patrons"
She takes a swig from her drink.
"Of course it doesn't stop the military from being suspicious of them, which is of course ridiculous. Sharlang is not unlike a Geas, once you say the words you cannot break the Oath without death befalling you. Still, the common folk fear those here, as such they are monitored very carefully. That's nothing compared to Dragons though. You wont see a chromatic dragon in these parts, but the mages might know more about it"