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Thread: Random Banter #196

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    Ogre in the Playground
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    Default Re: Random Banter #196

    Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
    Ah, I do enjoy the Amidux-Finnfinn exchanges. It's good reading.

    Tell us, FinnLassoo. Is Randmillions the handsomely superbitudinous snake-charmer I imagine him to be?
    Oh don't ask her; you won't get a straight answer. Our relationship involves endless making fun of each other.
    You'll have to find out for yourself, Kneen.

    Quote Originally Posted by CurlyKitGirl View Post
    Congratumalations! That's amazing.

    Not so good. I graduated yeah, but wanted to work for a year before going back to do an MA to get more money, but no job, so maybe I'll try again.

    Surprisingly well. Didn't seem all that phased by it.

    Given that, last I remember, you were doing forensic science, you'd probably have done okay. If you were born to a rich family, or agreed to join a monastic order who would then pay your way through uni.
    Although . . . you wouldn't have done much of the practical stuff. That would have been the barber surgeons. But still, people were performing rhinoplasties successfully in the C16th.

    And I suppose there would be no classical sources to cite on forensic biology. If I were trying to prove the validity of some technique, that'd be a pain though, from what you've said.

    I wonder what they'll say about science in the 21st century, 500 years from now.

    @V: Rrrrrrgh.
    Last edited by randman22222; 2013-07-19 at 03:25 PM.
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