Quote Originally Posted by rogueboy View Post
Sorry you're having such a rough time right now

(I'm focusing on a small area, I know) I don't know/remember how far removed you are from school, but those skills aren't taught, at least not in any class I ever saw. A lot of those skills are things you learn as you go. Do you have any friends or family who seem to have a particular area under control? For example, I know I have friends who are going through grad school, so if I'm overwhelmed by school I might look to them for ideas of how to deal with it. For something like taxes or buying my car (a few years back now), I asked my dad for help. By having them help you (NOT having them do it for you), you'll pick up some tricks they use to get it done easier/better/faster. Then, if you have to do that (or something similar) again, you have a better starting point for going it alone, or for learning something new the next time you get help. Remember that (most) people like helping those around them.

That being said, there are some things that you just won't do enough times in your life to make it worth learning well enough to do solo - buying a house comes to mind for this category; you're probably best just paying a realtor to help you out. It may be expensive, but at least you know (as long as you got a good one) that they'll do it right.
It's okay I do find focus a good thing. Thank you for talking to me.
Well I suppose for some things I can. I see my family as odd. My mom has only ever rented a place for us to live, small places, usually mobile homes, for the last decade, or at least close to that long. I believe some of this stuff I could ask her about, though some maybe not. Maybe my grandma, she does actually really own this mobile we are living in now. It'll be made harder by the fact that the first place I want to move to is near my girlfriend, more than 1000 miles away. But a lot of things that I feel should be basic I just don't know. Not having that knowledge is hard, but like you said there are people I can learn from, and so I shall. The harder part is the feeling I get from not knowing: pathetic and sad, and sometimes being sad makes me feel more pathetic, like for some reason I shouldn't be sad. I only judge myself this way, not others. And as I said it piles on with everything else that makes me feel worried or sad.

1 small worry I can handle with little stress or damage to my self esteem. Many worries and insecurities that hit at once are too much for me, and I just don't know how to deal with it. First instinct is talk to my girl, second is play actiony video game, third is chat online, which only happens when very worried, though I am starting to chill out a bit now. I kinda skipped the 2nd step though.