Quote Originally Posted by Grif View Post
"Yeah dutch. Sorta anyway. Paying for Gear here," he shot Gearstride a grin before ponying up the bits. If nothing else, he would bid Cadmium farewell and lead Gear onwards to the Civic Centre.
Cadmium would wave good bye to the couple before flying off...back to the general store to replace the paints she lost that she just bought.

Gearstride walked close by her stallion with a small smile on her face. "Such a gentlecolt Silverpine...buying me breakfast, oh swoon." She said playfully licking his cheek.

"Mmmm....my belly is fully...I think I got one of those food bellies going on."
She laughed as she reared off to show off her temporary cartoony pudge of a belly and then broke into a small laughter.

Meanwhile, Fox Trot reluctantly forced himself into getting ready for work even though he still hurt a little, no longer from the hangover, but from other aches in his body.

Over at Leaping Pony Studio, there was a small hubbub as a few ponies gathered around, some of Fox's students already there, waiting for their instructor while being confused about the broken glass on the door. A police officer was pulling up..