There was a bustle in the crowd as Fox appeared and pushed his way through with a worried look on his face.

"What's..what's going on officer?..I'm...I'm Fox Trot...proprietor of this here studio.." He was able to say.

"Mmm, the owner you say?...Well..I'm afraid there's been some sort of break in..." The police pony responded.

Fox's eyes went wide as he moved to gallop inside only to be grabbed by the officer.

"Sorry son but I can't let you go in yet until I can set up an investigation, can't have you accidentally messing up the scene of the crime..."


Gearstride watched the scene before her, remembering this pony Fox Trot and almost running him over....whelp....she figured she'd might as him back now for scaring the toots out of she had this thing about authority.. She glanced up at Silverpine and wanly smiled. "Sorry babe.."

"Officer! Officer! We have a flyer over your taped off zone!"
She cried out and pointed at Silverpine and then glanced at Fox Trot and winked at him.

"What?" The officer looked up and looked sternly at Silverpine, letting Fox Trot go on accident. "Boy, this is a no fly zone, git back to behind the perimeter." Fox then made a break for it and dashed inside his building as the officer pony spun around and sputtered. "Confound it!"