Quote Originally Posted by NeoPhoenix0 View Post
In my opinion the biggest general flaw is either the large number of spells per day or vastly overpowered spells. I think this could be aliviated without taking away powerful spells by having dome sort of mana system instead of vancien magic. Casting powerful spells would come at the cost of a huge portion of you mana while cantrips would cost like one point. But that is speculation and would require a whole new system that many people wouldn't like.

Also the large number of prestige classes and feats combined with poor editing and playtesting led to a lot of overpowerd prestige classes and feats.

Edit: another solution to the spells problem I like is the shadowcaster. Although it could probably use a few more mysteries per day at lower levels. Also it would require lower the poer of a lot of spells.
There is a Spell Point variant you could give a try. I have heard it has major issues, such as the necessary points for a cast only scaling for damage, so it makes battlefield control/buffing an even better option than it already was, but it is there if you want to tweak it.