Quote Originally Posted by Mutant Sheep View Post
Indeed. Thank you, Dimonite. (And sarcastic thank you for making me remember Facebook is probably a whole bunch of people who didn't remember but Facebook told them so they spent 8 seconds posting happy birthday on my wall and I have to respond SOMEHOW.:smallsigh; Nah, my cynicism ain't that deep. EGOTISM TIME.)
Heh, you know, I never say happy birthday to people on facebook. If I see them in person, they'll get a reminder from me that they're older.

Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
Draw Your Friends! In the Arts & Crafts area. Well, "Draw" can be any arts. It's quite an enjoyable exchange. Mr. August even composed some music for me the time before last.

In Hyser? Wow, beautiful playing.
Huh... well, I might actually be able to participate in that, then... Hrm...

I'm flattered.

You say that, but you didn't get to hear the hour worth of takes (well, about 7 or 8 takes, but it took a while)... and we had to use my crappy guitar with it's ancient strings because the action on Rafiki's was too low... (and he has such beautiful sounding strings, too...)

Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
They don't taste wildly different, but slightly. The yellow ones, Yellowstone, have less earthy and more clear taste. The purple ones, Cosmic Purple, are actually not a true purple carrot -- only the outer skin is red, the insides are orange. They are a really nice carrot but they taste just like any other good orange carrot. Then the orange ones are either Scarlet Nantes or Yaya -- I forget which seeds I actually planted.

I couldn't get seeds for true purple carrots this year, but I'm going to try next year. Also white carrots. And one day I hope to grow the red carrots of Punjab. All the carrots.
Ah, okay. Hrm...

Heheheheh I think carrots are probably one of my least favorite roots... not because I don't like them, but they've got some steep competition. Radishes, potatoes, ginger, sassafras... It's hard to beat those.

Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
Here is a cake for you.
This one is the best.