Quote Originally Posted by navar100 View Post
I think they want to test their new copy editor. Eventually they'll change mage back to wizard and ask the copy editor to fix the wording and see what happens.
Axe: 1d6 dawizard.

Quote Originally Posted by Raineh Daze View Post
Get a bigger sword or an axe? They sound a lot more helpful for keeping the horde at bay than a one-handed thing and some tiny little dagger.
They are. Spears and such are also pretty good at this sort of thing - speaking as someone who does some amount of armed sparring, if I have to fight multiple people I want a polearm of some sort to do it with, favoring a spear. If I'm stuck with a short weapon, I'd rather have a shield than a knife in my other hand. The horde-slaying items are honestly rather terrible for fighting hordes.