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Thread: Characters of the Town (OOC)

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    Default Re: Characters of the Town (OOC)

    Acco Spoot:

    Stats and Description

    Name: Acco Spoot
    Race: Spoot Halfling
    Class: Arcane Hairdresser 17
    Alignment and Temprament: Chaotic Good, alignment doesn't matter much to Acco, instead following very loose principles which really only outlaw murder
    Age: 16
    Height: 3'2"
    Weight: 6 stone
    Hair colour and length: Colour varies, length remains frequently short and spikey
    Eye colour: Purple
    Weapons: Magical Scissors of Beautification


    Acco was born into the prosperous Bardic family of Spoot, but rather than follow in her fathers footsteps of being a Bard Acco decided to explore other creative outlets, before settling on beautification, she was instantly shunned and sent out by her Father to learn Bardic talents whether he liked it or not, so Acco came to the Town and refuses to leave on the grounds that it may buy into her fathers wishes.

    Ongoing Storyline

    None..... yet....


    Stats and Description

    Name: Desanudeis Spoot
    Race: Spoot Halfling
    Class: Hobo
    Alignment and Temprament: Chaotic Neutral, fun loving and essentially good, do anything for a quick buck.
    Age: 20
    Height: 3'2"
    Weight: 8 stone
    Hair colour and length: Dark Brown, long and unkempt, very matted
    Eye colour: Purple
    Weapons: Rusty old Shortsword, rotting wooden shield
    A very haggard and messy looking Halfling, carries a tin mug wherever he goes, constantly begging for spare change, it's hard to find a part of his body untouched by dirt and a smell hangs constantly over him, he rarely changes, dressed in a dark red wool vest, a dark green wool overcoat and a floppy green hat.
    Abandoned on the streets by his parents aged ten, Des has picked up the hobo life quickly and fairly easily, enjoying taking little bits of equipment from so many different sources, he still requires spare change to buy the essentials.
    Des used to own a dog, which ran away one night after he was arrested for pan handling, he hopes to find this dog again, but mostly just wants spare change for any exchanged task or reward.
    Last edited by Acco Spoot; 2008-09-08 at 03:28 PM.