The party trembles as they watch the four giants rush towards them, with a fifth hurling boulders from afar. The giants at the outpost had been so fearsome, how could they possibly take on five at once... But the outpost at Hulburg had not been guarded by the Samurai of Soshima.

"Samurai! Divide the two on the right- CHARGE!" From Natalia's left, Dresden barks out the orders in a curt tone, then begins rushing towards the giant in the lead- and the samurai follow. In a charge so fast it feels like a rushing tide, the samurai sweep past the party to take their position in the battle- and in moments a wall of soldiers separate the party from the rushing giants.

See the map for the basic positioning of the samurai. None were able to attack this round, but their intention is clear- next round they will surround G1 and G2 and start hacking away at them.

Mithril's turn now. Then we will wait for Cavelcade. He has two rounds if he wants them (not sure what he would do in the first). He can charge at G1 if he wants, though if I were him I might wait for Miriam or Shiny to enlarge him.

In general, it might be easier to run the combat if you focus on G3 and G4 while the samurai handle G1 and G2. They are more than capable of taking those two down, though they will lose a few men in the process (especially since most lack their usual heavy armor). Once G3 and G4 are down you can help.