Quote Originally Posted by Tock Zipporah View Post
On the contrary, Hinjo isn't the hero. He's the behind-the-scenes leader who isn't supposed to take the spotlight and win the day. If Hinjo and Tarquin ever fought, the most likely end would be Tarquin killing Hinjo so that Tarquin is seen as a dangerous enemy who needs to be taken down by the main party. The OotS would then avenge Hinjo's death when they take Tarquin down.

It would be a fitting plot point... note that Tarquin hasn't really had any "big evil victories" to this point. We know he's evil: he runs the Empire of Blood, he murdered a bunch of slaves and set them on fire, etc. But what big villainous accomplishments has he made? None, really. He hasn't killed anyone personally yet (at all; he's only ordered others to kill, but never taken a life with his own hands on screen). He hasn't done anything to earn the OotS's hatred in a more personal way. Killing someone they care about would be a fitting way to amp up his villainy to 11.
That's a very good point--you have made it clear that Hinjo and Tarquin are, in fact, the same person! How else would Tarquin have known that the order were looking for the gates? Plus, has anyone seem them together?