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Thread: IC VI Stormy Seas

  1. - Top - End - #176
    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: IC VI Stormy Seas

    Seeing the giant Natalia is fighting near death, the two rangers shift their attention to it.


    -4 for firing into melee.

    Attack: (1d20+4)[18] Crit: (1d20+4)[13]
    Damage: (1d8+4)[10] Crit: (1d8+4)[11] Crit: (1d8+4)[9]

    Attack: (1d20+4)[23] Crit: (1d20+4)[24]
    Damage: (1d8+2)[9] Crit: (1d8+2)[8] Crit: (1d8+2)[7]

    Oh, thanks to the Unsettling, they both hit. That means Rocky kills G3 and Karn can shift his attention back to G2. (No crit since composite longbows crit only on 20).

    That is distinctly good news for Natalia, who might have been in trouble with the next pair of attacks.

    Rocky's arrow flies over Natalia's shoulder- when it hits the giant in the gut, it is enough to make him crumple over.

    Karn turns his arrow when he sees Rocky's land, and fires it past the samurai at the giant Kurt is fighting, where it lands a solid hit.
    Last edited by Admiral; 2013-08-14 at 09:22 AM.
    Thanks to CoffeeIncluded for the avatar of Shiny, from the Eldgar campaign:

    IC V Against the Current IC VI Stormy Seas.

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