
While not surprising I still liked the girls kicking ass, even if it was somewhat fanservice-y.

Flare being from the Sun Village... seems like a pretty weird ass-pull to me, tbh. I can't say for sure whether Hiro planned this in advance but I feel it's something he just came up with maybe because Flare is popular in Japan(????).
It's kind of reminiscent of Gajeel... he's introduced almost torturing Shadow Gear to death, later severely injuring Lucy and then he is a good guy quite of a sudden. Flare threatens a little girl and almost publicly rapes Lucy and now she is good as well. Admittedly, people changing sides isn't a new thing (especially in Shounen) but this somewhat bugs me.

Also, how many spirits can Lucy summon now? I guess you could say she's just switching really fast but it seems kind of weird.