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    Bugbear in the Playground

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    Oct 2010
    My own private Nogero

    Default Re: Missing joke?

    Quote Originally Posted by SarahV View Post
    I was assuming it was a reference to a barium enema, which is a medical test involving getting a lot of barium into your intestines so they will show up in X-rays better. Pretty much everything about the test and its preparation would fall under "unsavory," I suspect. And the "come and choke on it" line would make sense in that context since the patient has to (among other things) drink a large quantity of barium sulfate solution. I've had a couple of relatives go through it and it's pretty loathsome.
    Could be. I've had an upper GI Xray, but that only required a barium milkshake, not an enema. It was a long time ago, but as I recall, it was a bit ugly leaving my system, but not really all that bad.

    ETA: I also don't remember having any difficulty drinking the barium milkshake. Perhaps if I had to have more than one it might have been a problem.
    Last edited by dtilque; 2013-08-17 at 04:57 PM.
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