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Thread: IC VI Stormy Seas

  1. - Top - End - #250
    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: IC VI Stormy Seas

    Shiny puts his fingers to his lips for an instant, glancing around at the samurai. Then he strides forward with Natalia into the saloon, and gestures to the samurai that he'll take over the introduction.

    "Good afternoon!" Shiny says brightly to the caravan. "I'm Shiny Sandsweeper, explorer and dwarf-trimmer. We were just in Soshima when we heard about your plight from the church, so it looks like we'll be joining you!" he gestures to the score of samurai that are now filing up the saloon. The patrons and staff seem somewhat accustomed to the sight of strange explorers and hardly look up even at the samurai invasion.

    The man in plate armor grunts. "Aye, Church sent us a message yesterday letting us know. We're glad we could get some assistance: it's a lot hairier down there than we expected. I'm Alden, and this is Walker, Alyssa, and Milton," he says, pointing around the table one by one.

    info on the party you may have expected to meet is here
    Last edited by Admiral; 2013-08-20 at 06:05 PM.
    Thanks to CoffeeIncluded for the avatar of Shiny, from the Eldgar campaign:

    IC V Against the Current IC VI Stormy Seas.

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