After covering the bodies of the murdered travelers and collecting the valuables that you were able to recover, the party sets off down the road. It is late in the afternoon, and there are still several hours of walking ahead of you before you approach Kennrun. Nothing else disturbs you along the way, and you take the time to learn a little more about each other, with the discussion tending towards combat. The day is hot and the tress block most of the wind, so the walk soon takes a turn for the exhausting and tedious.

The road descends into a small town built mostly on the near side of a broad, sluggish river. Six old stone piers jut from the water, marking the spot where a bridge once stood, but the span itself is long gone. Instead, a couple of long thick ropes cross the river, each secured to a flat-bottomed ferryboat. Brown fields and green orchards surround the town.

As you approach, you see movement from a small building a quartermile up the road from the edge of town. A group of armed townsfolk- three in leather, one in mail- seem to be standing guard, watching you warily as you approach. "Halt and state your business, strangers; especially the hobbo there." one of the guards says. They all seem to be human, and they are each a little disheveled and more than a little sweaty in the muggy afternoon heat; Roger and Mina can tell by scent that one or two of them desperate need a bath.