Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
What can I say, even with a broken face I know how to work it. Is it in bad taste to play up the pity angle just a little bit? It sure brought out his nurturing side.
Whee, I'm glad to hear your date went well! I hope you had a lot of fun! :3

Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
You speak genuinely, Teddifer. You have perhaps yourself emerged all the stronger from your mental perturbations earlier this summer, and purchased this wisdom at its dear universal price of suffering.
Well, I think the correct tense is "are emerging", because I'm far from out of this yet. I've taken to refering to my condition as stable but fragile, but I've come upon a period of mood swings, so I guess I'm not sure about how much stability I can truthfully claim to possess...

I'm currently going through a lot of emotions as well. Good and bad, they've all come upon me at once and there hasn't been a moment without any for several days. It's a bit overwhelming, but I accept them nevertheless, for I haven't felt this much for a long, long time...

But fret not, I will keep striding until I've fully emerged, stronger than I ever was! :3

Quote Originally Posted by Kneenibble View Post
"With respect to the good Teddy's wishes, Mr. Speaker, I purport that all of us present wish to hear his pronunciation become silly after a few drinks; for it will cheer our hearts if his accent thicken, and he lapse for spells into his native tongue which delights and amazes our ears. I therefore move that he be obliged to have a few more sips than his reservations would normally permit: for the entertainment of all, and the greatest good."
Well, Swedish is a very... enunced language (for lack of a better word), so don't expect my (actually rather present) accent to become any more prominent under the influence...

Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
I have no idea. It's been going on before the war, Finns' love for coffee. I mean, during the time of rationing substitute-coffee was a huge thing as the proper stuff was too expensive and out of reach, and some people still call regular coffee with a nickname "substitute". You know you love coffee when you're willing to drink a watered down version of it made from wood bark.
The same was true here in Sweden as well, with substitute coffee made from roasted grains and bark, and while we're not number one like you Finns, we rank pretty close to the top in the coffee-drinking league as well. I won't look up the statistics, but I think we're number two, actually.

Not that I contribute to that figure. Coffee tastes too bitter and I don't really need the caffeine...

Quote Originally Posted by FinnLassie View Post
I'm very sensitive to a lot of things! Sometimes pineapple complete tears up my mouth and its corners. Not very nice, but it tastes diviiine.
Yeah, it's one of my favourite fruits, no doubt about that... :smallfeeblebear:


That was not what I wanted to happen just before I go off to bed. That was really, really not what I wanted to happen just before I go off to bed. I... I don't think I can sleep now...