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    Ogre in the Playground

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    Jun 2009

    Default Re: MitD 007: GoldenEyes (Please Read the First Post)

    Quote Originally Posted by Grey_Wolf_c View Post
    This is what feels just completely off. MitD being aware of what other people can do? He can't even say what he himself can do! Not to mention that if the darkness isn't blocking his vision, I don't understand how he would even be aware he was standing in the middle of it. To MitD, other people do sweird things for no apparent reason. Internalising that RC can't see through his, and I'm struggling for words here, "patch of dense air" that is perfectly transparent to him would be chalked to RC being strange, not to "oh, he cannot see through the patch of dense air, but I can". How would he even know the meaning of the word "dark", anyway? Have you ever tried to explain colours to a blind man? This would be the same thing.
    He knows that the whole point of Xykon keeping him in the dark is for people not to be able to see him, though. And it seems like he knows that being in the darkness = no warm lovely sunbeams on his skin.

    I'm not saying he definitely can see through the magical darkness. I just think that being able to see through magical darkness shouldn't be a "con" for any candidates who can, because there's a plausible explanation for either scenario. Like how the paper cut on his tongue might mean that his armor is external, or that it counted as an epic weapon for the purposes of his DR because he was wielding it, but also might just be rule of funny.
    Last edited by DaggerPen; 2013-08-28 at 12:24 PM.
    I am: Neutral Good: -2 chaos, -21 evil and 15 balance!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dalek Kommander View Post
    Heartless? Those flaming letters spelled ELAN! How many sons can honestly say their father has murdered dozens of human beings just to show how much they care?

    Tarquin's fatherly love is truly unique... or at least I hope it is!
    Quote Originally Posted by The Giant View Post
    First, I'm impressed that this topic went so far off topic that it ended up back at The Order of the Stick.
    Can't find the strip you're looking for? Head on over to OOTS Strip Summaries!