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    Barbarian in the Playground

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    Oct 2008

    Default Re: MitD 007: GoldenEyes (Please Read the First Post)

    Quote Originally Posted by allenw View Post
    Good find! And since you can choose which corner of *your* square to draw a line from, but have to draw one to every corner of your target's square, then even if only the target's square is in darkness, they still get Concealment.
    Part of me wonders if there's some kind of misunderstanding here. Per the rules, anything in exactly one square of darkness sees out of it - however it is logically, whether by going to the extreme edge or by 'magic'. But it is a different issue to look down and see one's own feet, for example.

    So after following the back and forth where I'm at is that the MITD is in darkness such that he can see anything outside the darkness but not himself. We see his eyes for artistic purposes, but the other characters don't necessarily see them. They know something is there mainly by it speaking* and some of its interactions. Using the flashlight and wanting to get hit by the archons' light both can indicate he is aware of this and is tired of it. His use of it as an excuse for not seeing the first gate could just be that - an excuse.

    * I partly want to point out here that Miko didn't notice MITD until he spoke, but that could be a Spot issue and don't want to cloud the issue. I can't think of any other instances where he was without the umbrella (or box) and started talking without being noticed first.
    Last edited by Throknor; 2013-08-28 at 04:24 PM.