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    Halfling in the Playground

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    Feb 2012

    Default Re: MitD 007: GoldenEyes (Please Read the First Post)

    Quote Originally Posted by Grey_Wolf_c View Post
    No. For one thing, we are talking about creatures that can see through magical darkness, so you talking about creatures that can see only through non-magical darkness ("darkvision") is irrelevant. For another, you conflate regular darkness and magical darkness. Since magical darkness blocks darkvision, you cannot do that. Third, unless you tie this to MitD, I am done talking about it. I've gone through this exact conversation three times now and, frankly, I'm sick of it.

    Grey Wolf
    Appreciate you're sick of this but bear with me.

    I was looking through for other evidence and came accross 147 where the MitD describes them as impenetrable shadows. This is well after #100, is not a being lit up thing and isn't childish.

    It's pretty good evidence that he can't see through magical darkness.

    It also makes it fairly unlikely he comes from a subterreanean background, or anywhere else that doesn't have sunlight, cool breezes and fresh air if he's so happy about going out into them.

    I'd still like to know why he craves to be lit up when he can see, putting sunlight with cool breezes and fresh air means it is probably a tactile thing. For someone that dislikes being looked at it's odd.

    On the Hivemind

    Other cons could be:

    Why only one set of eyes?

    Not unrecognisable in the circus scene, and some insects swarm (bees for example) so probably not enough for 'I've never seen anything like it'.

    High strength seems to be required for the tower scene, he initiated a competition on the basis of being hit physically.

    How would a swarm be able to eat redcloak and spit out the amulet, I suppose they could eat his flesh and then release the amulet from the centre of the swarm.
    Last edited by Tryfan; 2013-08-29 at 03:52 AM.