I figured this while thinking about Durkon and "Durkula".

A Character is Lvl-5, and has 15000XP. Then he gets transformed into a Vampire, so he gets a ton of new powers, some weakness, and has to endure Level Adjustment: He now "is" Lvl-13, and need to have 315,000XP to get to class Lvl-6.

The Character is still loyal to his friends and his cause, and goes into some adventures with his party ("Are you evil?" "Not more than Belkar") but altough he get XP for his deeds, he don't level at the same rate as his teammates. Finally our vampire friend is finally destroyed in a battle.

So, if the Cleric is able to raise him, he would get back as the base creature. Should the resurrected character reajust his level, if he earned enough XP to level up during his time as a vampire?

Sorry for my awful gramar. Yo hablo espaņol :p