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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Default Re: I just noticed something...was it intentional?

    Ominous hooded figures are quite a common way for evil people to dress (being a variation of the MitD's "cloak in darkness until the proper moment to reveal yourself", allowing one to walk around without revealing themselves or using a pink Hello Kitty parasol), it's not really enough to make a connection. As for there being three, it's both a very meaningful, "mystical" number, and the number of evil alignments and fiend races in D&D, so it was not really a choice on the Giant's part, he was just using what he had.
    Last edited by Roland Itiative; 2013-09-12 at 07:50 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stricken View Post
    I tip my hat to you, Giant. For every person who rules-nitpicks you, there are bound to be ten times as many fans who are just blown away by how excellent your storytelling is.