IDK how I feel about the all-Korean team coming to NA. I mean, ever since people mentioned it was a possibility I had a feeling it would happen, but it seems very frustrating to me. At least Woong and Loco are players that are well-known and Loco has personality--a primary reason a lot of people in SC dislike the "Korean invasion" was that it often seemed that these were "faceless" Koreans, who always used a translator, never streamed and never showed any personality. I somehow doubt this will be how Quantic's team will behave, especially with the way Riot does interviews and specials with all their LCS teams.

I'm still keeping my finger's crossed that next season there will be 10 or 12 teams instead of 8. Mostly just because I'd love to see coL and TBD in the Pro league, but I don't want to see Curse or Coast kicked from the league(though tbh Coast getting relegated doesn't seem the worst thing for them. There seems to be a pretty strong Amateur scene now). I think if Curse gets demoted the team might disband, and I bet SV will retire if that happens, which, honestly, might be a good thing for him, but will still make me sad.