Quote Originally Posted by Sir_Leorik View Post
Short of a very well worded Wish, Vaarsuvius would have to spend millions of gold pieces, of her own money in order to Resurrect her victims from the Familicide. And those victims would need to be willing to come back from the dead, which depends a great deal on which Clerics V hires to cast the Resurrection spells. Plus the Clerics (especially any Evil ones) will charge V through her metaphorical nose for repeated castings. But that could be one route for V to take, slowly, patiently, trying to identify whom she has murdered, Human, Dragon or Half-Dragon, and try to bring them back. Not only would she be undoing the harm she did to these people, she would learn patience, humility, and possibly to keep her temper in check. If she were to research some Epic spell, or cast Wish, to bring her victims back, she would have learned nothing at all about why she acted so rashly in Book Four. This goes not just for casting Familicide (which she did to make sure none of the ABD's kin would come looking for revenge, without considering the consequences of her actions) but when she abandoned the Azurite Fleet in the first place.

If V hadn't been so impatient, she could have gone with Durkon and Elan to meet Haley, Celia and Belkar in Greysky City. While the Azurite Fleet would still be miles from the Western Continent, and O-Chul would still be a prisoner, Team Evil would still be stuck in Azure City/Gobbotopia, the Draketooths (and many others) would still be alive, and the IFCC would have no pawn in the OotS. If V wants redemption, she needs to learn patience, humility, respect for the opinions of others, to anticipate the consequences of her actions, and to control her temper. Acknowledging she did something wrong is only the first step; V needs to undertake to become a different, better person. She can remain True Neutral, but she needs to correct the negative personality traits that led her to commit such a horrid act. Once she's sufficiently changed, and she tries to make amends to her victims, then she needs to go have a chat with the Elven clergy about what to do next. But I don't think it is impossible for her to acheive atonement and redemption; she feels remorse, she acknowledges that she committed a horrific act, and she's seen some of the consequences of that act. But she has a ways to go before she's done atoning. Trying to find a short-cut would be a sign that she's doing it wrong.
id say V has learned to think her actions through more

wether hes learned to be more patient is hard to say (thats not something thats easy to really show either) but hes definently learned that its important to think twice cast once

besides i dont think patience was really her problem, his problem was he considered Arcane power to be the only power capable of truly solving important problems thats why she left the fleet, to try to enter a scenario where he can focus said power without distractions not because she was impatient