Quote Originally Posted by AtlanteanTroll View Post
I done goofed.

Long story short today is my birthday. "Yay!" I don't particularly like celebrating me, as it makes me feel squirmy. Last weekend girlfriend planned going down from college to our hometown, which is about a two hour drive, and from their to the Renaissance Fair, which is another hour or so. Thursday I realized I was going to have a lot of home work this weekend and I thought we decided to not go to the Fair but instead just hang out and do homework for most of the day then go have a nice dinner followed by hanging out with friends.

Today on the drive down, we realized there had been a miscommunication. I said I didn't want to go to the Fair because I had too much to do while it was going on, which lead into girlfriend crying because "I don't want to be with her." Which I then made clear is not the case--I want to be with her in the evening, when I have the time. She ended up too upset to really want to be around so I'm at my dad's house doing my art history homework and she's down at the Fair with friends.

I asked if she still wanted to get dinner/hang out when she got back, and she said yes, but that's she's going to have to do homework, so she's not sure she can. Which is really annoying because what we seemed to have communicated boiled down to "Work in the afternoon, play in the evening."

I don't even know what I'm feeling. I'm angry and I'm upset and I just want to be with her. It's very annoying.
You probably already know what I'm about to say but goshdarnit, I'll say it anyway. Basically, neither of you did anything wrong here. There was a breakdown of communication, resulting in mismatched ideas of what plans you had. I reckon she (and possibly you as well) probably felt a little stood-up on the day (a perfectly natural reaction) and is now feeling a little foolish for overreacting in such a way. Only thing I can suggest is the next time you both get the opportunity, sit down over a drink of choice (I recommend milkshakes) and talk out what happened. Just make sure everyone's on the same page.

Feel free to take all this with a pinch of salt mind; I'm no expert.