Outside Eastside Hospital

"They did, yes." The woman admits, frowning as she thinks of Obraine's plan. "At least, they said I would give aid to something near a place of suffering, but hyu were the only one I saw near one." She admits before a smile crosses her lips. "Unless hyu think the demon is what I'm supposed to help?"

The woman chuckles at the joke.

Let's hope it's a joke.

Lotus Gardens - Magtok

At that, Jezebel just gives Magtok a slightly annoyed look. "Magtok, honestly. Don't you think sending an invitation to a shindig to you would be a little wasteful? After all, there'd be nothing I could do to really prevent you from coming anyway. I do recommend bringing some information to trade though. I promised only the heads of three of the governments here, and you don't count." Jezebel points out before a small smile crosses her lovely lips.

"But a part of the banquet is to discuss how to take care of AMENside should this attack fail. Then the question becomes what do you wish in return for the info."