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Thread: Dreams of Greener Grass

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    Ettin in the Playground
    Togath's Avatar

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    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Dreams of Greener Grass

    Not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but Washington(the west one) is nice.
    Our weather is usually fairly temperate, but it varies from area to area.
    One thing that often seems overlooked is just how lush it is here, we even have a small(temperate to cold) rainforest, and many cities have trees and vines interspacing the buildings(The Seattle region is a good example[Seattle itself, and Woodinville in particular], as is the area around Bellingham, and for smaller towns there's Jefferson county, with places such as Port Townsend)

    edit: for the "you can't really generalize areas within the same state", Washington is a good example of that too our western side is largely coastal and lush(there's even a temperate rainforest), while righter over the mountains into the eastern half(though, to be honest, I've only traveled to eastern Washington 3-4 times, and then, only for a day a t most) it turns into a land-locked plains & mountains sort of place.
    Last edited by Togath; 2013-09-25 at 01:50 AM.
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