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Thread: Dreams of Greener Grass

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    Dwarf in the Playground

    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    in the basement

    Default Re: Dreams of Greener Grass

    Another Minneapolis (well, St. Paul) native, though I'm currently living elsewhere for school. One of the neat things about Minneapolis is that there's a whole nother city, right across the river. Minneapolis and St. Paul are known as the twin cities, and while there are distinct differences between the two, they're so close geographically and culturally, that they function as one giant metropolitan area, so you can live in one and have full access to the amenities of the other.

    Personally, I would prefer living in Minneapolis, because their park system is one of the best in the entire country (and they have cross country ski trails! I don't have any ski trails near my house, it's awful!).

    I don't think our public transit is worth writing home about, but I don't really live in a neighborhood where I can take full advantage of them. Most things I can get to by walking or bumming rides, but I've ridden the bus enough to report that it's nothing special. I hear the light rail is pretty nice, but I've never used it. My brother works in downtown Minneapolis, and it takes him almost an hour to commute via public transportation, so he's going to be moving downtown at some point.

    But yea, the summers have been awful these past few years. My first week of college, it was over 95 for a solid week with no air conditioning. It sucked.

    FWIW, winters have been pretty mild to my recollection. We didn't get any snow, so I didn't have to wear boots (and couldn't ski, break my heart, why don't cha?) and I never had to break out the parka-I wore my light fall jacket all season.

    EDIT: Also, what other people have said about a lack of stuff to do is true. There's always something going on in "The Cities," but once you get outstate, your options are "stay in with Netflix" or "go out and fall through the ice." Although I would recommend moving to America just for Netflix. It's great.
    Last edited by Mammal; 2013-09-25 at 09:48 AM.