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Thread: Characters of the Town (OOC)

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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Default Re: Characters of the Town (OOC)

    Name: Rainspattered
    Race: Human
    Class: Monk/Druken Master/Crooked Monk/Dragon Fist/God Hand
    Alignment and Temprament: Chaotic Good. Almost archetypal for alignment, believe in good but has little use of any sort for rules. He is, however, orderly.
    Age: 98
    Height: 5 feet, 2 inches
    Weight: 90 lbs
    Hair colour and length: Grey and Long (Natural) with a long chin-beard and moustache.
    Eye colour: Crystal Blue
    Weapons: An unenchanted quarterstaff.

    One of the most skilled martial arts practioners in his world, Rainspattered mastered all styles of physical combat upon it at a young age, earning the rank of Dragon Fist in all schools at 51, before most people could earn it in a single style. He lived the quiet life of a wandering monk, friend to the peasants and animals, lords and warriors alike, seeking to aid any on their path to enlightenment, until he met one being of such deep evil that there was no enlightenment for it; it was the epitome of all he stood against and all that was wrong. It took the guise of a man until he condemned it for its evil, when it revealed its true, monsterous form. Deflecting its blows until it ceased to fear the monk and convinced itself he would tire and it would kill him before his weak attacks could hurt it, he utilized his own building momentum and actually struck at the creature with a single blow of such purity it slew the demon-god where it stood. Rainspattered was thus destined to be the next God Hand, a semidivine, immortal monk, protector of the innocent and man of peace until cnflict becomes inevitable.

    [Common Knowledge]
    - Rainspattered is a pacifist.
    - He's mastered all forms of unarmed combat he has encountered.
    - He once slew an evil god with the purity of a single blow.
    - Liu, his hairless chinese crested dog, is fully immortal.
    - He can change his appearance, physically (so, magic wouldn't reveal a "true" appearance), at will, although he reverts to his natural appearance after six days constantly in a single form.
    - He's an accomplished dancer, in addition to his other skills.


    [Ongoing Storyline]
    Bit dead, as of right now. Just a little


    Name: Yoritomo
    Race: Human
    Class: Samurai, from the Yoritomo Bushi School
    Alignment and Temprament: Honour Rank of 5.8, NG, effectively. Strongly believes in Honour and the code of Bushido, but will not implicitly follow the laws of his lords if he believes them to be wrong.
    Age: 26
    Height: 5 feet, 8 inches
    Weight: 140 lbs
    Hair colour and length: Black, wavy, almost to his shoulders, but often kept in topknot. Some five-o'clock shadow to a small goatee on his face.
    Eye colour: Crystal Blue/Sea Green (one each colour).
    Weapons: An emerald-hilted katana and wakizashi he straps to his back and does not weild unless his wrath is truly earned. Two Kama he can use with extreme skill and speed paired. They are wrapped in the sea-green and black colours of his clan and a symbol of his dedication to the welfare of peasants in his homeland.

    A Bushi of the Mantis Clan, he had the misfortune of finding true love in a land where arranged marriage was expected. Avoiding arranged marriage through his relative unimportance, he sought to find the woman he had fallen in love with. He found that she was a peasant, and took to the duty of patrols more readily than would any bushi with an ounce of wits, for patrols were essentially either dull or highly lethal. He strode through the peasant corners and looked, day after day, with more scorn at the way they lived their lives. Not high-brow, elitist scorn, but the scorn of a Samurai raised with the ideas of justice and compassion as two of the tenets of Bushido seeing people so mistreated. He began his career as a Courtier, as well as a Bushi, when he sought a higher-ranking clan official to view the way peasants were treated in his town. The Mantis Clan prided itself on its lack of elitism and peasant origin so greatly that the clan champion herself came to see what he spoke of, and was equally filled with fury. His lord was deposed and replaced with one more worthy, and he watched peasant life improve. Still, though, he knew that his love loved him,, as well, but not that she was in love with him. Seeking to prove himself further and right the wrongs he saw in the world, the Mantis bushi battled by blade or tongue for the peasant classes, gaining a clan and empire-wide reputation for his friendship with the lower classes. He was even asked to attend winter court in place of an assassinated Mantis courtier for his skill in the area. He battled the Shadowlands hordes that attacked that winter court, and eventually, it is said, won the heart of the woman he loved and a charm of great magical power, capable of transporting its owner over limitless distances in an instant.

    [Common Knowledge]
    - is the picture of non-elitist Samurai honour.
    - He is skilled at calligraphy, poetry, and debate, in addition to the warrior arts.
    - He's inherently connected to the elements of Air, Fire, and Water, especially the latter.
    - He is married to the peasant girl from his homeland.
    - His voice possesses an inherent power and lilt that makes people listen. It's an almost unnatural power that applies to speaking and singing, or any other task which involves his voice. If he learned the arts of magic, he'd no doubt be a powerful spellcaster.


    K'shakh is a mummy who is based off a custom template I did awhile ago, bnased on the Worm the Walks from the Epic handbook, only with snakes instead of worms. He's Chaotic Good, being inherently good hearted and compassionate, but with quite the flair, some might say obsession, for vengeance. Everything else about him is unknown. He tells people, but for some reason, they just forget, no-matter what. . .
    Last edited by Rainspattered; 2006-12-03 at 09:56 PM.