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    Ogre in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2005

    Default Re: Base Class Challenge Chat Thread III: Gotta 'Brew 'Em All!

    Quote Originally Posted by Zaydos View Post
    Quasi-Elemental Focus at Lv 1. +2 to AC and saves against spells with the energy descriptor associated with the element. And yeah that's what I figured but I thought I ought to mention it since you can't always trust people to have used Elemental Savant for example (only place I know of off the top of my head [I'm sure there are others] which has an energy type for all 4 elements) and it looks neater to include what the associations are (I think I've seen Acid for Water and Sonic for Earth before).
    Oh crapola. Thanks for that catch. That should just be "Descriptor" rather than energy descriptor.

    And Gorrag certainly is interesting. And more or less what I expected. I am curious as to the "they" part. You have an asterisk but there's no footnote to it.

    He could take benefit from empty space and his great speed to close with his primary target paying no heed to any in his way.
    Last edited by Beelzebub1111; 2013-09-29 at 03:36 PM.