Quote Originally Posted by Cheiromancer View Post
Is there a sense of "Oberoni" that I am not familiar with? I've heard of the Oberoni fallacy (that "the rules of a game aren't flawed because they can be ignored, or one or more 'house rules' can be made as exceptions"), but I don't see how it applies here. Do you mean "DM discretion"?
I think so. The triadic system is almost designed to make the Bronze MAge's player angry. "Pick three spells. OK, now you can NEVER have two of them. Why? Because TRIAD!"

I am not sure what you mean by "hard rules" - rules where the DM does not apply his discretion? If so, then maybe the surviving spell of a triad could be chosen at random. Then you wouldn't have any DM discretion or incitements to Player vs DM conflict.
I think that would be better.

Long story short, I think the bronze mage is less unbalancing than a sorcerer. Maybe that's damning with faint praise?
I think it's easier to nerf the sorcerer wholesale. "No spells above level 5. Here's what you CAN do with those spell slots: ........."