Quote Originally Posted by TheWombatOfDoom View Post

You get into the ship the same way Obsidian had and without incident. You can follow the captain toward the transport section, or head the opposite direction toward the mechanical area and engine.
Hux sings a song to himself as he heads in the opposite direction of Captain Obsidian, making his way toward the mechanical area and the engine...the "monkey's nest," as he had taken to calling it. The song was a good one, all about monkey's nest and how much grease monkeys like himself loved them so, but the rest of the crew would never hear it. Serves them right, after all their clatterin' about not whistling or singing loudly into the comms in the middle of missions. Instead, this song was just for Hux...and Hank, too. Hank didn't yell about the singing; sometimes it was the only thing that kept the rascal quiet. The song is interrupted as Obsidian rudely crackles on the comm. Hux crosses his arms and huffs silently; nobody ever clattered at the Captain about interrupting them with his comms.

Quote Originally Posted by cavalieredraghi View Post
Hux we need to hurry, our intel was wrong this crew never escaped like we thought. Preacher would you say a pray for the crew of this vessel that did not make it.
"Hurry's my middle name," Hux squawks back over the comms. "Naw, just pullin' your chain, Cap. Middle name's actually Kennedy. Some big deal family name from back on Earth that Was. Fat lot of good it does in the dark, eh? So when I get to the monkey's nest am I trying to salvage and get her cooking, or scrap it and take what we can?"