Quote Originally Posted by MLai View Post
A physics mistake I don't see ppl mentioning is the very important scene of Clooney's death.

You get a scene where Sandra is gripping onto George's lifeline, and him dragging behind her, as if there's some sort of mysterious gravitational force pulling him away from her. And it ends up necessitating him to sacrifice himself so that he doesn't "pull her down with him."

But... what is this mysterious constant force pulling him away? As soon as Sandra countered his momentum the first time, i.e. when she tugged at his line as he shot past her, he should have immediately rebounded towards her. Or, if she somehow applied just enough force to stop him right at that relative point, then he should just be drifting there with no further forces pulling/pushing him away. At that point, one slight tug from her would have reeled him back in.
NdG did point that one out too actually.

Quote Originally Posted by SecondRevan View Post
Also, your two plot holes are not plot holes. They are elements of the setting of Gravity.
Oh don't give me that crap. If they wanted "the setting of Gravity" to be different, they would have established it as such. They wanted the punch of using real, instantly recognizable names like "Hubble" and "Shenzhou"; by doing so, they invite the flak that comes with that. If they wanted to avoid it, the space stations would have been Hope, Dream, and Gumdrop or something. If you use real things, you don't get to cry "Fake setting! Fake setting! Forget everything you know about space!"