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    Dwarf in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Default Re: Dysfunctional Rules IV- It's like a sandwich made of RAW failure!

    Quote Originally Posted by NeoPhoenix0 View Post
    It's like the polymorph line is a black hole of dysfunction and PAO is it's singularity.

    Edit: Hey, that might not be a bad thread title itself. "It's a black hole of dysfunction"
    As if it's not broken enough, it gets even worse when you realize it qualifies for DMM: Chain Spell through the trickery domain for easy metamagic.

    One Lock of Solar hair? Check.

    Arbitrarily high caster level? Check.

    Instant army of Solars WITHOUT invoking the wrath of the heavens? Priceless...

    This is, of course, assuming the subject of PAO gets all the special abilities, qualities, EX's, spell likes, and SU's of the new creature.
    Last edited by Lanson; 2013-10-29 at 12:21 AM.