Quote Originally Posted by NeoPhoenix0 View Post
Problem is the zombies and skeletons created this way have no hit dice, so they are already destroyed. The corpses have to obey the hit dice cap of the thing being polymorphed also.
While searching for where it says that the HD of the created undead has to be equal to that of the corpse (I haven't found that yet, though I found that yes, the polymorphed corpse has no HD, as long as the thing you are polymorphing from doesn't), I found a dysfunction: Animating Zombies and Skeletons doesn't work. You see, Skeleton and Zombie are templates applied to any corporeal creatures with skeletal systems. If I remember correctly, a corpse is defined as an object (Can someone back me up on/disprove this? SRD does not hold anything for me), not a creature. Thus corpses are ineligble for becoming skeletons and zombies.