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Thread: Blood of Martyrs

  1. - Top - End - #13
    Orc in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Default Re: Blood of Martyrs

    You reach the shop without further incident.

    Calstenik greets you at the door, clad in a flamboyant orange and red checker patterned tunic, green pants and a purple flop hat. Behind his gold wire frame glasses, sans lenses, his blue eyes practically bulge with excitement.

    "Did you get the mail? It looks like you got the mail! You have collected the mail! Congratulations! The mail!"

    He tears the bag out of your hands.

    "Ah ah ah ah ah hah! Here it is! My package! Oh yes! Here it is! Quinn, I must say that you did a fine job, yes a fine, job indeed sirrah! But you look awful. I mean really really bad, worse than usual old sport. What happened? Did you get slapped with a wet cat? Why in heavens name would you allow yourself to be abused like that?! To be slapped by a wet cat! Such a massive indignity sir! Is it the money? I bet it is. I know you always complain-" (To date you have never asked for a raise.) "-about the money, but WHAT CAN I DO? I'LL TELL YOU WHAT I CAN DO! I can go to the office. With my package. You should come to! I command it! Company meeting! For everyone except Cob. Huzzah!

    Cob grunts, and hands you a healing potion as your boss bounds through the cluttered aisles toward the office.

    "Tra la la la LA! Hehehehehe."
    Last edited by Galvain7; 2013-11-02 at 11:32 PM.