They make Lightning Warriors look like CW Samurai.

Anyways, Comic 621.

The reason this one took so long is because I had so much trouble deciding on the direction and dialogue. For this reason, here's an alternate Comic 621 featuring 4 new panels plus the first two from the normal comic. I ultimately scrapped these first 4 because it had Princess Marnia acting too conniving for my tastes, being ultimately willing to use a friend as a meat-shield (minus the meat) and I felt there was a bit of a pacing problem. If there's incongruity in the dialogue here, it's probably because they WERE more congruent at one point but I edited the dialogue when I made the decision to scrap those 4 panels so as to not have to rely on them.

Furthermore you might notice I recycled some dialogue, background, and poses.

Questions? Comments? Critique?