Quote Originally Posted by AtlanteanTroll View Post
Okay. So ... I really scared myself with a dream.

My college has something called Winter Term where we can pretty much do anything we want. I have this cool idea for a Studio Art/Art History Analysis thing, and I need my Art History prof. (who is amazing) to give me the sign. He's super nice and very energetic about what he does, so I don't know why, but I had a nightmare that when I went to meet with him (which should be tomorrow) that he shut me down and didn't even give me a chance to come up with a better idea.

(People have literally gotten away with "I want to go to Hawaii and do work" once they've gotten professors to help them flesh them out in to actual projects of merit.)

So yeah. I'm really scared to meet with my professor when, deep down, I guess I know I have no reason to. Hopefully this afternoon's class will put me straight.
So, I've had dreams like this, walking into class late or getting bad grades on a test. And then I wake up and the actual event hasn't happened.

Now, granted, I can be like "Oh... Ok." to most situations and be completely chill about most stuff (save for the breakdown I previously typed up) and be completely fine with it, but I'm not you, so... don't be scared, everything will be fine? Yeah, that sounds like advice.