So, I'm looking for a new show to get into, preferably something with a couple of seasons already out on DVD. Intelligent, quirky, oddball, compelling.

I know tastes will vary broadly, if not cosmically, so herein a brief rundown of the shows that I enjoy:

--First, I loved Firefly. Unfortunately I didn't like Dollhouse and can't stand Buffy, so the Whedonverse may be less helpful than one might think.

I'm also a huge fan of the new Battlestar Galactica, so much so that I've watched the entire series four times through. (Hence this thread: frack me, it's time for a break. ;)

I've seen the first two seasons of Game of Thrones, and while there are many things I don't like about how HBO handles it, the show still works for my grim-fantasy fix. Right now, however, I'm looking for something a little more, umm, family-friendly.

On the SF front, I watched ST:TNG and Deep Space Nine back in the day, and more recently I really enjoyed Sarah Connor Chronicles. (In a grim, depressive, don't-get-attached-to-anyone kind of way.) Here lately I've been hooked on Falling Skies, owing to an impulse buy of Season 1. (Yes, hokey and goofy at times, but I have an odd fondness for it anyway.)

Further afield, and probably more obscure to the Playground, I absolutely loved Kings, which like Firefly was tragically cut short, and which was probably too thoughtful and intelligent for mainstream television. (I also appreciated Kings for other aspects which can't be discussed here.)

Much further from the Playground norm, and evidently not discussed around here, is Downton Abbey. Yes, it's true: I had a blast with this show, at least the first two seasons. I'm a sucker for sharp, meticulous period dramas.

And, for anyone who remembers it, I loved Cadfael with Derek Jacobi. Rarely have I seen a TV adaptation so true to the spirit of the original books.

So, all that by way of triangulating what I enjoy. Any suggestions along these lines--or outside them, if quirky and intelligent enough--would be very much appreciated.