Quote Originally Posted by BRC View Post
That said, I kind of wonder if the Laws apply to Harry anymore. I mean, clearly the Council could not enforce them on him, he's the Winter Knight after all. I suppose his magic is still fundamentally mortal, so he would still get corrupted.

What about Molly though. She's now has to abide by whatever rules control the Winter Lady, but shouldn't her magic be Faerie now? Which means The Laws shouldn't affect her.

Also it should mean she can avoid screwing up mortal technology.

Unless we go with the "Battery Pack" view of Mantles, which is to say Molly is STILL just as much a mortal wizard as she was before, she just now has the Winter Lady Mantle feeding her power. So she has both her wizard-powers AND winter lady powers. So she still screws up technology (because she's still a wizard).
I think the battery pack thing only applies to the knight mantles(as those wielders will still be human). The laws would almost certainly still apply to Harry(as he is still capable of being a member of the White Council). Molly, on the other hand, almost certainly does not count as human any more. She's just like the former summer Lady, or even more applicable, Mab or the former winter lady.
Quote Originally Posted by CarpeGuitarrem View Post
I guess it's a matter of definitions, then. To me, "this magic will warp you and make you more likely to do these awful things, so don't do it" is most definitely a moral imperative. Morality doesn't come from an abstract standard, but is rooted in reality. At least, that's my take.

The idea is that some things are immoral irregardless of their intent, and when magic is involved, that directly warps your soul.
I don't know. At that point you're basically saying any rule ever is a moral rule, which dilutes the meaning somewhat.