Quote Originally Posted by BRC View Post
That said, I think Harry is no longer on the Council. He's the Winter Knight now, and you can't serve two masters.
Going by the gatekeeper's actions in the last book, patently false.

Quote Originally Posted by BRC View Post
Molly is the trickier issue, because unlike Knights, Ladies are not mortal (apparently? Before Cold Days it was always assumed that the Queens were born Sidhe, but apparently they can be Mortals). WOJ said that when Fix and Lilly got their mantles, Fix chose to be mortal and Lily chose to be Fairy in order to accept the mantles. Molly is not a changeling, so it's unknown if the mantle physically changes her.
What? Why would you assume something that was patently false from the book that introduced the characters(Summer Knight). Yeah, Fix and Lilly were changelings, but that means they aren't Fairy. In fact, given everything else, it would seem to imply that they are mostly human, maybe akin to Werewolves.