Melanie watches the world rush by below, feeling the wind on her plastic features, wishing she had flesh and blood for not the first time. Such an experience was almost wasted on a toy, she felt, and her thoughts begin to drift towards the philosophical. Guy's question brings her out of the reverie though, and puts a genuine smile upon her face. A mildly cryptic response follows: "...or what."

The journey is not altogether an unpleasant one and, after an hour or so passes uneventfully, the party can spot lights dancing on the Western horizon. None them being much in the way of balloon pilots, it's probably a safe bet that if they wanted to begin landing immediately it wouldn't be longer than twenty or thirty minutes before touchdown.
That's what you get. If you want to roll Cognition to better interpret/spot the lights, you may do so. I'm still feeling pretty woozy but weekends are as much about game time as I can make them.