@The Giant: While you're still here, I have a question about strip #631. The conversation between V and Qarr goes like this:

Panel 2

Vaarsuvius: Begone from here, imp! You are wasting precious time if you cannot give me what I require.
Vaarsuvius: (internal) Perhaps my books...
Qarr: Oh, right, because I can just wave my fairy wand and POOF, you can teleport. Sure, I'll get right on that, Mr. Elf, sir.

Panel 3

Vaarsuvius: Is that not what tempters of your ilk do? Provide those willing to bargain with any extranormal abilities they may require?
Qarr: What...like a literal sell-your-soul sort of thing?

This may be because I'm not a native speaker, but the jump from panel 2 to 3 seems rather... Odd. Where did V bring up the soul selling? V told the imp to scatter, then Qarr replied, sarcastically, that he wasn't able to help the elf teleport, and suddenly, V talks about soul selling. The progression always struck me as odd.