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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Jan 2010

    Default Re: My Little Pony LXXIII: Luna's Sordid Dreams? I'm Not Googling That...

    Spoiler: Season 4 stuff
    Alicorn Magic is what was previously called Dark Magic. Neat. Really, that makes Sombra a lot more interesting, giving that he was using the stuff all the time. A pity they didn't take five minutes or so in the flashback's to conform that little bit.

    Nightmare Moon was rather toothy, and had a really nicely animated tranformation. Headcanon: Luna/Nightmare Moon obtained that throatier Kathleen Barr voice over a few centuries of screaming and yelling, hence why she didn't sound any different during the fight itself.

    So, in the previous age, the Elements were CGI. Good eye, Twilight, they were different!

    Apparently, much like how the Season 3 opener was Spike's time of glory, the Season 4 opener is Applejacks.

    Also, Discord was really well used, especially given that he was technically the villain of the whole episode but really wasn't. I laughed at him throwing seeds at Celestia, mostly because I thought they were, like, chocolate covered coffee beans or something.
    Last edited by Pokonic; 2013-11-23 at 07:29 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tychris1 View Post
    Pokonic look what you have done! You fool, you`ve doomed us all!
    Quote Originally Posted by Doorhandle View Post
    Oh Pokonic, never change. And never become my D.M.
    To those that are wondering; it's a unicorn leather knife hilt.
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